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Pitcher Flower Seeds

Thyme-leaf Speedwell

Thyme-leaf Speedwell

Regular price $3.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $3.00 CAD
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Thyme-leaf Speedwell is a great ground cover plant. Similar to creeping thyme, plants are low-matted, but have unique white and blue-striped flowers, with entirely hairless and shiny leaves. 

Plants will produce heart-shaped capsules after blooming and release hundreds of extremely small seeds, while continuing to spread.


Plants can be found on lawns or roadsides, and are also ideal for rock gardens. Plants are perennial and won't need to depend entirely on self-seeding.

Native species.



Thyme-leaf Speedwell is very easy to grow.

Simply scatter the seeds in garden soil or potting mix any time in the season. Soil should be kept moist until sprouting plants appear with true leaves.

Leave plants be and they will grow as desired.


Plant information

 Scientific name Veronica serpyllifolia
Life Perennial
Hardiness Unknown, but performs well in zone 5
Provincial distribution Native to Newfoundland

Low, creeping plants with upright flower stems

Approximately 10 cm high plants

Blooms in late May to August
Difficulty Easy
When to start As soon as soil is workable
Light requirement Any lighting
Watering Water periodically
Soil All purpose potting soil, neutral pH
Feeding Plants need little fertilizing. Feed lightly once a year


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