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Pitcher Flower Seeds

Scots lovage

Scots lovage

Regular price $3.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $3.00 CAD
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A flavourful seaside herb, with a taste similar to celery!

Native to Newfoundland.

Scots Lovage is great for cooking - Use it in salad or soups, sauces, finishing herbs, or whatever you enjoy the taste on!

Leaves are shiny and fairly large. Similar to the more common Lovage, this one has a very similar taste but with glossy leaves and a shorter height overall.



Seeds can be started indoors in early spring or sown outside at this time.

Starting seed indoors is recommended for better control and germination of plants; soak seeds in moist paper towel until you see sprouts. Carefully move these sprouts into a pot and keep moist. Harden off after the risk of frost has passed, and plant outside.

Starting seed outside, scatter seeds and cover with soil. Keep moist and plants will sprout eventually.

Germination is sporadic, and can take up to a month in some cases. Plant several seeds!


Plant information

Scientific name Ligusticum scoticum
Other names Scottish licorice-root
Life Perennial
Hardiness Hardiness zone 5
Provincial distribution Native to Newfoundland

Leafy plants

Approximately 1 ft high plants

Difficulty Easy, with patience
When to start As soon as soil is workable
Maturity Harvest leaves as desired
Light requirement Any lighting
Watering Water regularly
Soil Rocky, sandy soil
Feeding Feed lightly once a year
Pests and disease

This plant may be susceptible to leaf miner

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