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Pitcher Flower Seeds

Red Sandspurry

Red Sandspurry

Regular price $3.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $3.00 CAD
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A great rock garden flower!

Red Sandspurry is a very tiny carnation relative, who grows in rockier soils and opens & closes its flowers as it pleases. Tiny purple blooms on a lacy, sprawling plant brighten up the tiniest areas in the garden and work great for ground cover.



Seeds can be scattered any time in the season. Plants are very fast growing and will bloom quickly as well.

Plant in soil that is either rocky/sandy, or just all purpose potting mix. Cover seeds lightly and keep moist.

Flowers, after blooming, will droop and eventually become brown and full of seeds. Collect these drooping capsules and carefully rub between your fingers onto a tray. Seeds are extremely small and can be tricky to work with.


Plant information

 Scientific name Spergularia rubra
Life Perennial
Hardiness Hardiness zones 3-7
Provincial distribution Naturalized in Newfoundland

Low growing, creeping plants with thin leaves and tiny flowers

Approximately 8 cm high plants

Difficulty Easy
When to start As soon as soil is workable
Maturity Blooms through the season
Light requirement Any lighting
Watering Water regularly, plants can tolerate drying
Soil Well-draining potting soil, neutral pH
Feeding Plants need little fertilizing. Feed lightly once a year


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