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Pitcher Flower Seeds

Marsh Bedstraw

Marsh Bedstraw

Regular price $3.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $3.00 CAD
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Very thin and delicate plants growing lacey stems and thin whorls of leaves. Very tiny white flowers in little bunches grow through its life cycle.

Plants resemble Baby's breath, but much tinier!

This plant prefers wetter areas, but is not restricted to wet habitats. Plants also tend to grow through and around other plants, so you may grow these in between larger garden plants to fill in any space.


Seeds can be started any time in spring or summer.
Scatter seeds outside and cover lightly with dirt, keeping moist until they sprout.

Plants need very little care and can be left to grow on their own.

Plants will self-seed in fall, and readily grow through the seasons with each self-seeding.

Plant information

 Scientific name Galium palustre
Other names ---
Life Annual
Hardiness Hardiness zone #5
Provincial distribution Native in Newfoundland

Slender, frilly plants growing approximately 2-3 feet high

Difficulty Easy
When to start Outside after last frost
Light requirement Moderate to full light
Watering Water very often, at least 3 times a week 
Soil Prefers wetter, slightly acidic soil
Feeding Little fertilizing needed
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