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Pitcher Flower Seeds



Regular price $3.00 CAD
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Caution: Foxglove is poisonous, keep away from chewing animals.

Common garden biennials, blooming with colours of many shades ranging from white to dark pink.

Foxgloves grow on an upward spike, with large leaves growing around the base and gradually up the stem. Flowers grow from the top of the spike, and will bloom upwards from there. 

Plants will eventually develop capsules that will deposit hundreds of seeds in fall. If you don't want this, you may trim off the flower spike after it blooms, or when you see capsules starting to turn brown and mature.



Scatter seeds in early spring as soon as soil is workable, however seeds can also be spread at any time in the season. 

Keep soil moist and seeds will sprout in approximately a week. Plants need little care while growing, and can be fed a blooming fertilizer once in the summer.

Plant information

Scientific name Digitalis purpurea
Other names Digitalis
Life Biennial, can be a short-lived perennial
Hardiness Hardiness zone 3
Provincial distribution Naturalized in Newfoundland

A tall, central flowering spike with basal and stem leaves

Plants can grow up to 6 ft and higher

Difficulty Moderate
When to start As soon as soil is workable
Maturity Blooms around mid July to late August
Light requirement Full to almost-full lighting
Watering Water occasionally
Soil Well-draining potting soil, neutral or near-neutral pH
Feeding Plants need little feeding, but may be fed once in summer with a bloom fertilizer
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