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Pitcher Flower Seeds

Flattop White Aster

Flattop White Aster

Regular price $3.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $3.00 CAD
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Tall, hardy perennial asters with large clusters of white, daisy-like flowers. Plants grow tall and sturdy, and stick out well!

These asters are late bloomers, and will blossom around August.

Commonly grows on the edges of country roads here on the Avalon peninsula of Newfoundland.


Seeds will still have their puffy tails attached, so open the package carefully indoors.

In spring after the risk of frost has passed, scatter seeds outside and cover lightly with dirt, keeping moist until they sprout. Plants may take over a week to begin sprouting.

Plants need very little care and can be left to grow on their own, but a blooming fertilizer can also be applied once in the summer.

Plant information

 Scientific name Doellingeria umbellata
Other names Tall white aster, Parasol whitetop
Life Perennial
Hardiness Hardiness zone #5
Provincial distribution Native in Newfoundland

Tall, sturdy plants with a central stem and cluster of white-yellow flowers

Difficulty Moderate
When to start Outside after last frost
Light requirement Full light
Watering Water occasionally after established
Soil Well-draining soil, slightly more acidic
Feeding Little fertilizing needed, bloom fertilizer can also be used
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