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Pitcher Flower Seeds

Beach Pea

Beach Pea

Regular price $3.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $3.00 CAD
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Coastal plants with light to dark pink flowers and large, oval shaped leaves, growing in branches that tend to trail out. Flowers resemble typical peas' flowers!

Plants perform best in coastal environments in fertile sandy soils, and welcome pollinators to the area. Plants bloom in July onwards, and will produce seed pods that split open in late fall.

Beach peas are related to the common garden Sweet pea.
These seeds are not edible.


Note: germination is sporadic, and several seeds should be sown.

In spring, soak seeds in moist paper towels until they sprout, which can take up to a month.

After they have sprouted, transplant them to small pots of soil to then transplant outside after the last risk of frost has passed. If the risk of frost has already passed, sprouted seeds can be transplanted directly into the garden.

Plants are perennial and don’t need to be let to self-seed. Developing pods may be trimmed off, or let to mature and then self-seed.

Plant information

 Scientific name Lathyrus japonicus
Other names Sea vetchling, Sea pea, Circumpolar pea
Life Perennial
Hardiness Hardiness zone #3
Provincial distribution Native through Canada, except Alberta and Saskatchewan

Shorter, matted plants with running stems

Difficulty Moderate
When to start Indoors in mid spring
Light requirement Full light
Watering Water regularly 
Soil Prefers soils closer to the shore
Feeding Rarely feed with bloom fertilizer, perhaps once a year
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